Reshaping the Future Of Work

The places where we work matter more than ever. They need to help us fully engage and connect with others. To support concentration as well as collaboration. Mirella™ responds with a comprehensive desking collection that offers countless layouts to facilitate individual and team activities throughout a space.

If You Build It (right), They Will Come.

In an era of choice, the office is still people’s preferred place to work, but only if it’s designed to support their work.

Planning for Performance

Every office needs spaces where employees have an opportunity to connect and create, but not at the expense of others’ ability to concentrate. A thoughtful mix of open and private spaces is key to any successful office design.

A Holistic Collection

The Mirella collection of workstations, tables, and storage offers agile choices for workplaces that are growing and evolving—helping people feel comfortable and equipped to focus, engage and showcase their creativity.



